The beachfront walkway continues beyond the lollipop beacon at the bottom of Admiralty Way all the way to Flat Rocks. The section of the walk from the beacon is actually called the Humpback Dolphin Trail although you're probably more likely to see Bottlenose Dolphins swimming along the coast. The walkway in picture is the last 100 meters with Flat Rocks to the left.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Setting off on a hike

A group of people setting off on the very popular Sacramento Tail between Schoenmakerskop and Sardinia Bay during the late afternoon.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Van Stadens King Protea

The Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve must be one of the best places around to see Proteas and other Fynbos species growing in the wild. Not just is it great to view wild flowers, but the reserve also has a number of excellent trails for you to go and stretch you legs along. The trails range from short easy walks along the plateau to longer ones that require a bit more effort down into the surrounding gorge and valleys.
Friday, October 28, 2016
A garage on an island?
This week's Video Friday post is one featuring a video by Alan Straton of MyPE he uploaded after a visit to Bird Island in 2014. It shows the old Bird Island Keeper's house... with a garage. Curious? Have a look.
Bird island,
South Africa
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Coral Aloes in flower
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
The view outside my office
This is my view when I walk out of my office. Hobie Beach, Shark Rock Pier and Algoa Bay. Pity I have no window or view from my desk though...
What is your office view like?
Monday, October 24, 2016
My other air plant is flowering as well
Last week I posted a picture of my air plants flowering and received quite a few questions about in, especially on Facebook. Most people asked what I do to make them flower as their's don't. I have to types of air plants around my yard (don't ask me what they are called cause I don't know) with the one type flowering bright pink with blue every year. The other type grows quite fast forming big clumps but doesn't really flower that often. When they do flower it's usually just one blueish flower and seemingly only the one by my postbox.
On Saturday afternoon when I was busy working in the yard I noticed that it's actually flowering so I snapped a pic to show you the difference. On the top photo you can just make it out at the bottom of the plant (it's very visible on the plant's shadow).
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Flowers flowers everywhere
I spent most of my Saturday in the garden and feeling a little in need of gardening inspiration we headed to Floradale Nursery on Circular Drive. Now I know even less what I want to plant. Wow, the options are endless and so many plants are flowering. Going to have to plan the garden better for next spring.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Ironman 70.3 World Champs coming to Port Elizabeth in 2018
Probably one of the biggest pieces of sport news of the year broke about two or three weeks ago when Port Elizabeth and Nelson Mandela Bay was announced at hosts for the Ironman 70.3 (also known as Half Ironman) World Champs in 2018. The event is even bigger than the annual Ironman African Championship that takes place in the city and attracts over 3 000 competitors from around 70 countries along with all their families, supporters as well as international media. It also takes place over two days with the women competing on 1 Sept 2018 and the men on the 2nd. Huge news for the city and a boost for tourism with the international exposure we will receive in addition to the money that will be coming in along with the competitors and their supporters. Check out this awesome promotional video they have put together for the announcement.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Cricket at Handhaaf
This afternoon Drama Princess played cricket at Handhaaf Primary School in Uitenhage. The view from up at the clubhouse is actually quite nice with the mountains in the distance. Much better than the view from most other schools.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
My air plants are flowering
I don't have big flowerbeds in my garden. For that I just don't have enough time and green enough fingers. I do have a few different plants and lots of succulents though and one of those I probably get most excited about when they flower is my air plants. Air plants (Tillandsia) is a member of the Bromeliad family and is actually very easy to grow. They don't need soil and you only need to water them slightly (like in with a spray bottle). You can keep them both inside (in a well lit area) and outside although they don't always like to be in full sunlight all the time. I have two types of air plants in my garden. The type in the picture flowers every year while the other type makes big clumps yet doesn't really flower other than a single light purple flower and not even every year.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
A windless evening
I'm sure everybody in PE would agree with me that we are slightly tired of wind. It's been blowing just about nonstop for close to a month now so it was great to walk outside just now and realising that there is absolutely now wind blowing. So not to jinx it I just want to say. I woke up in Johannesburg this morning after last night's Lilizela Tourism Awards and looking out from my hotel rook the sky was hazy and there was lots of smog and smoke clearly visible along the horizon. Standing there I was actually glad that we get wind in PE that keeps our air clean from air pollution. But you would agree, sometimes enough is just enough.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Lilizela Tourism Awards 2016
The Lilizela Tourism Awards organised by South African Tourism and hosted by the Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, took place in the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg tonight (16 October 2016). This year I was invited to be one of the judges for the third year in a row and it really is a great privilege to be asked to be part of the adjudication process. The Lilizela Awards are South Africa's premier tourism awards and those products who walk away with the awards on the night truly are the best of the best. The Eastern Cape shined on the evening, walking away with eleven awards.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Geek World SA is open in PE
Port Elizabeth geeks, fanboys (and girls), cosplayers and comic book lovers rejoiced today with the opening of Geek World SA at 189 Main Road Walmer. Geek World SA stocks cosplay outfits, comic books, figurines, unique clothing, board games, fandom jewelry and lots more. Looking at some people as they walked in to day was like watching kids enter a candy store. The shop was packed all day long so I couldn't get any good pictures other than a quick cell phone snap, but as soon as I get a chance to go back I'll post a couple of nice pics. In the meantime check out their Facebook page to see some of the stuff they have in stock.
Friday, October 14, 2016
NMMU performing at Varsity Sing
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Harbour view from Humerail
I had to stop at the Spar in Humerail this morning and stopped to admire the view of the harbour from the parking area. Some people wouldn't term this as a beautiful view but I like to call it an interesting view. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera so a cell phone photo will have to do.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Things to do in Port Elizabeth #Blogathon

Nine bloggers (seven of those based in PE) were asked to create posts about things to do in Port Elizabeth as part of the Cheap Flights Port Elizabeth #Blogathon 2016 in collaboration with Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism and Travel Concept Solution. All nine posts have been published in the last two days and covered a range of things to do for both big and small. Rather than a photo I decided to post the nine links for you to enjoy today.
Firefly the Travel Guy - Things to do in Port Elizabeth - Grab a backpack and take a hike
Chasing the Rainbow – Things To Do In Port Elizabeth – 1, 2 and 3 Day Itinerary
IndiKate – 48 tried-and-tested hours in Port Elizabeth
Tazz Discovers – Things To Do In Port Elizabeth: Family friendly Nelson Mandela Bay
Going Somewhere Slowly - Things to do in Port Elizabeth in 48 Hours
Passing the Open Windows – My favourite things to do in the Friendly City
Just Ella Bella – Kid & Wallet Friendly Places in Nelson Mandela Bay
By Megan Kelly – Things to Do in Port Elizabeth (Kids + Budget Friendly!)
My Spreadsheet Brain – Things to do in Port Elizabeth (with your toddler) this summer!
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
PE's favorite walks and hiking trails

I was invited to participate in the #SharetheBay Port Elizabeth #Blogathon 2016 campaign in collaboration with Cheap Flights, Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism and Travel Concept Solution this week. As one of eight bloggers taking part I decided not to do the usual "Things to do in PE" kind of blog but rather focused on my favorite nine walks and hiking trails around Port Elizabeth. The post covered the beachfront boardwalk, Sacramento Trail, Coastal Fynbos Trail, Roseate Tern Trail in Cape Recice, the Grysbok Trail in the NMMU Nature Reserve, the Baakens Valley, The Island Nature Reserve, Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve and Sleepy Hollow. I'm not going to repost the whole post here, but do head over to Firefly the Travel Guy if you want to read it.
Monday, October 10, 2016
A Hadida called Petal
Another flower picture sent to me by Gerhard Burger, this one of a Hadida Ibis between the flowers. Wonder if his name is Petal the flower (bird) child? Picture taken in Glendinningvale.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
The flowers in Mandelakwaland
About two weeks ago I received a mail from regular PE Daily Photo follower Gerhard Burger (and apologies to Gerhard for not replying but my laptop has packed up and I haven't been able to reply to emails from my phone. At least I've been able to upload the pic from my phone to the blog). He took this picture in one of the parks in Glendinningvale. Much cheaper to view flowers in PE like this than to travel to Namakwaland.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Tramways and the Baakens
The newly restored Tramways Building reflecting in the Baakens River. Truly an old yet new landmark in Port Elizabeth. Can you see Fort Frederick on the hill in the background?
Friday, October 7, 2016
PE's 100 years since becoming a city video
On 23 July 2013 Port Elizabeth celebrated 100 years since officially becoming a city. This video was put together to celebrate the fact and shows a nice collection of historic photos and current footage
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Jewish Museum on Raleigh Street
I quick drive around Richmond Hill the other day had me stop in front of the Jewish Pioneer Memorial Museum in Richmond Hill. Standing there I realised that I have actually never been inside the museum so I can't really tell you what is inside from a first hand perspective. I can tell you this though. The museum is housed in the original synagogue which was used by the Jewish community between 1912 and 1954. The museum features a collection of memorabilia, ceremonial items and historical photographic displays such as a bridal gallery, Jewish ex-servicemen memorial and much more. It is only open by appointment though which is probably the reason I've never had the opportunity to visit.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
The Donkin's colourful mosaic
The Piazza Mosaic next to the Donkin Pyramid is one of the most impressive art pieces making up Route 67 on the Donkin Reserve. The 470 square meter mosaic was made by a NMMU ceramic collective and depicts the Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Cape's cultures, heritage, diverse histories and abundant of fauna and flora. I actually find that every time I look at it I notice something I haven't done before.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
A Donkin Reserve view
Looking across the Donkin Reserve from the lady with the chair Untitled art piece with the flowers of one of the Coral Trees in the foreground. After nearly two weeks of wind I wonder how many flowers there still are on the Coral Trees around town.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Freeway graffiti by 3 Blind Mice
If you drive from the city centre up towards Humewood you pass under the freeways before passing the Green Mosque. A few months ago a brand new art piece appeared on the wall next to the parking area under the freeway. I've been glancing at it every time I passed but a week or two ago I got a chance to have a closer look. The piece by 3 Bind Mice depicts a marine theme, very apt for Port Elizabeth and Algoa Bay. It's really great to see PE's street art culture growing like this with the support and blessing of the municipality and MBDA and with the additions of pieces like this PE is going to hopefully soon take its place next to Newtown and Maboneng.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Shadow lines on the GFI Art Gallery
I was invited to be the speaker at the first Port Elizabeth #TravelTalk event hosted in Port Elizabeth by Urban-Econ which took place at the GFI Art Gallery this week. The GFI Gallery, previously known as the Ron Belling Art Gallery, have recently seen a big renovation and expansion and is looking stunning. If you haven't been recently then it's worth the visit.
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