Wednesday, September 30, 2009
FIFA Host City Profiles film crew

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009
Harbour sunrise

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Govan Mbeki Road traders

Saturday, September 26, 2009
More Penguin Plod

Friday, September 25, 2009
Penguin Plod

Thursday, September 24, 2009
National Braai Day

So from left to right: Boerewors (farmer style sausage), Skilpaatjies (or Karoo Oysters, which is minced lamb's liver wrapped in fat), Sirloin steak, Lamb chops, Lamb ribs and pieces of Lamb flank. The Braai broodjie (toasted sandwich made on the coals with tomato, onion, cheese and chutney) followed as soon as the meat came off. I am stuffed with left overs for tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Heritage Day

The Donkin Reserve with the Lighthouse (1861) and Pyramid (1820) is very much part of Port Elizabeth's heritage in that the pyramid is a monument in memory of Lady Elizabeth Donkin after which the city was named.
So whatever you do tomorrow, don't forget to celebrate your heritage.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Love This Place

Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Nr 7 Castle Hill well

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Singa Lodge

Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Van Stadens Bridge

The Van Staadens River Bridge over the Van Stadens gauge was opened in 1971. It is one of 5 such arch bridges spanning gauges on the Southern Cape's Garden Route and the most eastern of them. This picture was taken from the bottom of the old pass.
For more picture involving craning your neck and looking at the sky, visit Skywatch.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Colchester dune field

Alexandria Coastal Dunefield is the largest, most impressive and least degraded dunefield in South Africa and arguably one of the most spectacular in the world. It comprises an area of approximately 14 000 ha of unvegetated and 1 800 dunes. It stretched for 50 km from Sundays River Mouth to beyond Woody Cape and is 22 km wide on average. It ranges from 140 meter high dunes right down to the beach and is comprised of bare and vegetated dunes, bush pockets and dune slacks.
The dunefield is Holocene (0-10 000 years) in age and thus was initiated during the latter stages of the Postglacial Transgression when sea-level rise from 150m, 18 000 years Before Present. The main transgressive dune field is dominated by a complex array of aklé type reversing transverse dunes. These dunes rise up to a maximum height of 150m above m.s.l. with individual dunes being up to 50 - 60m (crest to base) high. The dunes display both barchanoidal and transverse slipfaces with linking, dominant wind-parallel, across-swale ridges.
Portions of the dunefield are well vegetated and indicate periods of relative stability and widespread vegetation within the dunes during the last 10 000 or so years.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Sundays River Ferry

Monday, September 14, 2009
What do you call the study of lighthouses? Its called Pharology, pronounced “fa-rol-ogy”
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cape Recife Lighthouse

I got the following information off the South African Lighthouses website:
Cape Recife is situated at the southern entrance to Algoa Bay and warns mariners about the dangers which abound in the dark waters. A large spine of rocks known as the Thunderbolt Reef has put paid to numerous ships over the last hundred years. Situated in a nature reserve about 7 miles from Port Elizabeth, Cape Recife witnessed the great gale of 1902, when a hurricane force south easter wrecked countless ships and boats moored in Algoa Bay. This hurricane killed more than 60 people, including six rescuers. The "HMNS Zeepard", which was carrying the explorer, Theunissen was wrecked. As a result of this incident Theunissen made his historical well documented overland trip to Cape Town. Ironically the lighthouse was commissioned on April Fools day in 1851. The initial range of the light was 12 miles, however with the development of technology it is now 29 sea miles. The building is a 24 metre octagonal masonry tower which is built on a rock foundation known as D urban. It is painted with black and white bands equipped with a radio beacon, fog signal, a fixed red light along with a flashing white light every 30 seconds. The establishment of this light came just in time as it saved many lives. The cost of this light in its day was £17 537.10.2 Sterling.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Boer War Trenches

Friday, September 11, 2009
Picnic Spot

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Baakens Valley looking west

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Holland Memorial

If you go to the main car park at Settlers Park and look down the cliff you will see Holland Dam. The easiest way to get into the park is to take the tar-surfaced walkway on the right hand side of the car park down into the valley. As you walk down and the buildings on the opposite side of the valley disappears, its hard to believe that you are still in the heart of the city. To get to the dam you have to take a left towards the Bay down at the t-junction. Not long after crossing the stepping stones over the river you will find the Holland Memorial and lecture-theatre, erected in commemoration of the well-known naturalist Fred Holland, on the banks of the dam. It is the ideal spot to sit and have a picnic while listening to the birds calling around you.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Settlers Park

The 54-hectare tranquil Settler’s Park, which lies along the banks of the Baakens River, is located in the heart of the city. In many ways its the city's green lung. The park has three entrances and may be accessed via How Avenue, just off Park Drive; Chelmsford Avenue, just off Target Kloof or from Third Avenue, Walmer. It also offers recommended short walks that may commence from any of these entrances. The Park facilities include a flower display house, a Marquette of the 1820 Settlers’ Statue, indigenous flora, rock pools with stepping-stones and grassed areas ideal for picnicking. The Park is rich in bird life, small buck and other fauna as well as offering an 8km walking trail through the Baakens River Valley, named the Guinea Fowl Trail.
In the past there has been some unsavoury characters hanging around the park and there were a couple of unfortunate incidents, but the city and its inhabitants have decided to take the park back. The Walk Safe initiative was started as a collaboration between the municipality, various tourism bodies, the police, The Baakens Trust and various nature bodies. This has seen a increase in police and ranger patrols in the valley which is leading to the public slowly returning to this gem of the city.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Face painting

Lake Farm Centre has been involved in the care and training of the intellectually disabled since 1959. The Centre was started as a "school" for mentally disabled children with boarding facilities. In 1979 Lake Farm Centre Adult Care was founded as a residential facility with protective workshops. Here training in work-skills i.e. Farming, bakery, hydroponics, pottery, spinning and weaving, home industries, gardening and building maintenance are given. The subsidy of Department of Social Development covers about 30% of their monthly income so they are very reliant on sponsors and fund raising event like this one and the Lake Farm Charity run earlier in the year. Even though I have no involvement or connection to the Lake Farm Centre, I would like to truly thank all volunteers and sponsors for their support of this centre throughout the year.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Dusk on Lovemore Heights

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Full Moon over Port Elizabeth
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Mission Bell

I received a couple of comments by beedeeboy on the Van Der Kemps Kloof and Van Der Kemps Memorial Church posts I have done before. He asked if I had a picture of the old Mission Bell. Well, I went looking and I have one, but I will have to get more next time I'm down that way.
The Market Square with the Mission Bell was erected in 1815 in front of the Van Der Kemps Memorial Church which was first built in 1803.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Van der Kemps Kloof

The route is marked with red arrows and is suitable for reasonably fit persons. It is advisable to walk in a group, wear stout shoes and take a sunhat and drinking water.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
King Protea

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