I got the following information off the South African Lighthouses website:
Cape Recife is situated at the southern entrance to Algoa Bay and warns mariners about the dangers which abound in the dark waters. A large spine of rocks known as the Thunderbolt Reef has put paid to numerous ships over the last hundred years. Situated in a nature reserve about 7 miles from Port Elizabeth, Cape Recife witnessed the great gale of 1902, when a hurricane force south easter wrecked countless ships and boats moored in Algoa Bay. This hurricane killed more than 60 people, including six rescuers. The "HMNS Zeepard", which was carrying the explorer, Theunissen was wrecked. As a result of this incident Theunissen made his historical well documented overland trip to Cape Town. Ironically the lighthouse was commissioned on April Fools day in 1851. The initial range of the light was 12 miles, however with the development of technology it is now 29 sea miles. The building is a 24 metre octagonal masonry tower which is built on a rock foundation known as D urban. It is painted with black and white bands equipped with a radio beacon, fog signal, a fixed red light along with a flashing white light every 30 seconds. The establishment of this light came just in time as it saved many lives. The cost of this light in its day was £17 537.10.2 Sterling.
Great photo. I'm struck by the stark beauty of this site.
ReplyDeleteDo they still let people go up inside, Firefly? When I was much younger, I visited with a (school??) group and we got to go all the way up to the light. I also remember when a whale washed up at Cape Recife in the 70s, and half of PE turned out to see it.
Great photo. I love the contrast between the sand and the blue sky.
ReplyDeleteWhat a HUGE beach and handsome lighthouse compound!
ReplyDeleteDiane, you can still go up the lighthouse. As for the whale. Another dead whale washed up recently and also attracted a lot of poeple.
ReplyDeleteVery nice, love the comp and colours!! I would love to go up the lighthouse, how does one organise that?
ReplyDeletephotography.rmb - I'm not too sure. I did see a number on one of the South African Lighthouses websites when I was doing research on this. Otherwise contact SAMREC in the Cape Receife Nature Reserve. The said that they know were going to do tours up the lighthouse but decided agaist it due to staff shortages.
ReplyDeleteGreat shot - such a wild and isolated-feeling plae so close to the city!