I know this isn't a typical PE Daily Photo, but I wanted to do a post on donating blood. I am a regular blood donor (42 donations so far) and donate blood four to five times a year. A person can donate blood every 56 days and every time you donate they take an unit which is the equivalent of 480 milliliters.
Thousands of people would die daily if there is no sufficient quality blood in stock. If one donates blood, the donor gives patients the gift money cannot buy or science cannot create. A unit of blood donation can equal three gifts of life in that almost every unit of blood is separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets.
This time of year blood donations actually decline as a lot of people go on holiday and may put off donating till they get back to work. Currently there is a shortage of blood with only about two days of stock available in Port Elizabeth. So I would like to urge you to consider becoming a regular blood donor and save a life today.