This is the last of my Ironman posts. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of the running leg as I had didn't stay for that after the following incident. I would like to vent a little bit from here on. After I covered the start and the swimming leg, I hopped on my scooter and wanted to go to a spot on Marine Drive where you can get very nice shots of the cyclists going by with the coastline in the background. I went through two road blocks without being stopped and rode up Marine Drive towards the spot just past Willows. At Willows I was stopped by one of the organisers who threw a hissy fit over the fact that I was there. I demanded to know what I was doing there and where I was going. After ripping open the zip on my jacket to see if I had accreditation (I was wearing my Media Accreditation), he then wanted to know who told me I could go there and why I wasn't stopped. When I told him where I was going he shouted (and I'll leave out his swearing here) that I am going against the flow of traffic (which wasn't there as the cyclists were still some distance off) and demanded that I turn around and drive a detour of about 50 kilometres to get to spot that was only 2 kilometers down the road. I was desperate to get some good cycling photos so turned around as told. When I got to the intersection of Victoria Drive and Sardinia Bay Road I was stopped by two traffic officers who didn't want to recognise my accreditation. This meant that my Ironman journey stopped there. All of this left me with a very bitter taste in the mouth. I feel that the coverage I am giving the event is costing the organisers absolutely nothing and at least expected them to treat me with some kind of respect. I was very wrong...