A couple of weeks ago I received an invitation to the Savanna Before and After Party here in Port Elizabeth. I'm not really the party and nightlife type so would probably have looked at the invite with only half an eye if it wasn't for the fact that it was a Savanna Party. Savanna Premium Cider is my favorite drink after all so how can I miss it? Saturday evening we dropped the KidZ off at the In-Laws and off we went for a night of the town with Savanna.

The event took place at the Rooftop Garden Bar in Chapel Street and all the attendees were welcomed by the yellow carpet and some seriously serious looking security dudes. No party crasher is going to get in this door. The theme was clearly yellow - duh! - and the venue was beautifully decorated accordingly. The reason for the party. Savanna launching the new packaging for their bottles. This includes a new bold crown design; a longer and slimmer neck; "for the ultimate drinking experience; a bottle with stronger, more "manly shoulders"; a slick new label and debossing on the side of the new Savanna bottle to lend more personality and add more "grippability". Savanna lovers don't have to worry that the taste would perhaps change though because it's "New on the outside, still dry on the inside." That's my advertising spiel done.

As could be expected, there was no shortage of Savanna and the waitrons made sure nobody sat with an empty bottle in front of them. I can't say that I have a favorite but as I'm not a heavy drinker I try and stick to Savanna Light which kept my head clear the whole evening. It did help that there were a lot of snacks making the rounds as well just to make sure the tummy is lined as the Savanna makes it's way down.
Entertainment was at the order of the evening with a DJ and sax player keeping the tunes going until the fun started. The MC for the night was South Africa's wackiest boykie, Kurt Schoonraad. Oh man, I laughed so much the tears were running down my cheeks. I'm sure there were one or two in the audience who nearly wet themselves when he, who comes from the Cape Flats himself, did he's absolute best Cape Coloured impression. As if it wasn't enough, Kurt was followed on stage by one of South Africa's most popular standup comedians, Loyiso Gola. I can't remember when last I have laughed as I did on the night.
After the comedy entertainment it was time for the party to move downstairs. Another DJ, a graffiti artist, ice sculpture and more Savanna flowing. Even Savanna on tap... where can I get one of those? People were crowding the photo booth to have wacky group photos taken while everybody was also making the rounds to all the stations to get stickers on their competition passports. We unfortunately had to duck out just after 11 to go and relieve our babysitters so I didn't get to see who won (or if it was us).
So I'm just going to end off the post with a bit of advertising spiel again - "New on the outside, still dry on the inside." Cheers, from the Damselfly and I.
Disclosure: We attended the evening as guests of Savanna Premium Cider but I received no remuneration, wasn't asked to write a positive post and keep full editorial control.