Apple Express Trains being refurbished at the diesel depot in Humewood, reflecting in the engineers pit.
OK, we have a sort of "good news ,bad news" scenario for you. The bad news is that after almost 500 posts on this blog, we are ready to take a break. We have made some wonderful friends around the world, and it has been fun. We will miss you, and I know many of you enjoy your visits to see what is going on in PE.
So that is where the good news comes in... we don't want to abandon you guys who love checking up on the old home town from time to time. And we are leaving you in some extremely capable hands... Firefly is an ex tour guide and works in the tourism industry. He is passionate about PE, and very well informed too, as well as a great photographer. He has agreed to adopt our baby and keep it going.
So tommorrow we will go out with a bang, and our 500th post will be some of our all time favourite photos... and then on Sunday, please welcome Firefly into the driving seat, we are sure you will enjoy the ride!