Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yak at the Airforce Museum

I had to take somebody to the South African Airforce Museum in Port Elizabeth the other day and found the privately owned Yak standing outside.  My problem now is that I know its a Yak (and I have had the fortunate opportunity to go up in one a couple of years ago), but I can't seem to find any information on it on the internet.  I'm sure AJ would be able to help as soon as he reads the post.

Firefly note: Thanks AJ for coming through and identifying it as a Yak-52 Soviet trainer built, as he puts it, in the bad old days.


  1. What a handsome gem of an airplane! Perfect for today's "Father's Day!"

  2. Firefly... you're baiting me!! Try Yak-52... a Soviet trainer built in the bad old days... looks to me like they copied the good old 'Harvard@ spam cans used for so loog all over the world... ;-)

  3. Nicely captured...

  4. It is funny, but I am just reading a book called Spitfire: the biography by Jonathan Glancey and there are a couple of pages devoted to Yaks - which I had not heard about before. The author goes on about the YAk 3 - "a pretty little aircraft" built by Yakovlev. I think you would love the book!
