Thursday, January 31, 2008
Graveyard Series #1
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wire artists
Most Zimbabweans seem to have an inate artistic flair. It is always inspiring travelling there and being surrounded by so much creativity. Sadly, these days, due to the desperate situation in their county, over 3 million have fled to South Africa looking for opportunities to feed their families. Even as far South as Port Elizabeth, many street corners show displays of their work, wonderful wood carvings, metal work, woven grass furniture , beaded wirework etc are all available at roadside stalls like this, on the corner of 8th Ave and Main Road in Walmer. These people are subject to much Xenophobia from local Xhosas, who say they are stealing jobs from them, but I support them whenever possible, because I admire their hard work, entrepreneurial spirit and artistic flair, and the courage they show, always cheerful despite the harrowing stories many of them can tell you.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Casino Heist
Monday, January 28, 2008
Coco de Mer
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Places of Worship # 9

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Yacht Club series # 4
Friday, January 25, 2008
Yacht Club series # 2
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yacht Club series #1
Recently one of our readers, Alan, kindly invited us to visit the Algoa Bay Yacht Club and take photos there. Well, we took him up on his offer yesterday, and had a wonderful time, snapping a ridiculous amount of photos (yachts and water are SO photogenic!) So over the coming weeks you will no doubt see many shots from that sunset cruise. To start us off, here is the yacht club seen behind some of its residents!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Kite Surfers

One of the benefits of being known as the windy city (although, in fact statistically Cape Town and a couple of other places are windier than us) is that PE is a mecca for watersports of all kinds. Kite surfing is hugely popular here, and when the wind is strong, the surfers get up to all sorts of antics, they literally fly over the sea.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Graven Images
Monday, January 21, 2008
Red Cross
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Places of Worship #8
In order to stop the displaced members of the congregation returning to worship there, after the forced removal of the South End residents, the apartheid government demolished the church. Though there are a lot of townhouse developments around the St Peters, the remains of the church will be retained as a testimony to past injustices.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Great News!
St Croix Island

Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Feathermarket Centre
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Breaking News...................

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Baakens Valley
To the right is a building which belongs to the Municipality. (No wonder they don't have a leg to stand on in dealing with slum lords when they let their own proprties get into such a state!) It was at one time a bus depot, an ice rink and a shelter for the homeless, now it is just a dump!
See the tall building standing on its own at the top of the hill? To the left of that you will see a long low reddish stone wall. That is Fort Frederick with its commanding view across the bay.
The Baakens River Mouth is where the 1820 Settlers landed to establish the as yet un-named town.
Monday, January 14, 2008
An exhibit at Red Location Museum
It shows anti apartheid posters which were circulated when the restrictions were at their worst, anyone found with one of these would have been in for a very bad time! The books on the little tables are transcripts of the proceedings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, chaired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, with the intention of bringing into the open the atrocities committed during the apartheid era. They make very chilling reading, but many families who lost loved ones in horrible circumstances were able to achieve some form of closure through this process.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
a detour
Saturday, January 12, 2008
North End Seaboard
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Westbourne Oval
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A work in Progress
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The Old Fire Station
Another of the "Kloofs" in PE which carries a major arterial road used to be called Coopers Kloof, until Albany Road was built through it. Construction began in 1865. This building is Port Elizabeth's Old Fire Station, built in 1930, which has been replaced by a modern new facility in Summerstrand. It is now used as an office complex.
Behind it, you can see the cliff face that formed part of the river valley. Above it is the Old Erica School which we showed you recently, and on the edge of the cliff to the right of the school and round tower is the viewpoint from which this photo of the bay was taken.

Sorry to ONCE AGAIN flout the rules and post more than one photo, but I thought this old watercolour, done in the ninteenth Century, would interest you, this is looking down Cooper's Kloof to the sea, so the firestation was built a bit further down towards the sea on the right, beyond this old cottage.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Target Kloof
Monday, January 7, 2008
Blast from the Past

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Places of Worship #7

(In photos taken in the late 1800s, a much simpler structure is seen, here it is on the top of the hill to the right, above the graveyards.)
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Beehive Huts
In the early 1800s, when the British Colonial Government in Capetown realised that it was facing opposition from the local tribes to its attempts to colonise the Eastern Cape, it came up with a plan to bring in a large number of British settlers to colonise the land, and act as a buffer against the marauding tribes. (Of course they weren't told this... in a climate of extreme economic hardship in Britain at the time, they were lured with promises of large tracts of land in wonderful sunny surroundings and endless opportunities to get rich...)
So in 1820 several shiploads of settlers were appalled to arrive in the bay and see in front of them a row of "barren sandhills". Rows of tents and piles of supplies were set out amongst the coastal dunes, and from this they had to start to build their lives and the town. As it grew, labourers were brought in to help load and unload ships, among other things. They were mostly from the Mfengu tribe, who were related to the Xhosas. They lived on what is now Richmond Hill, in traditional straw beehive huts.
Friday, January 4, 2008
The Bubonic Plague...

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Old House
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Red Location
The Red Location was established around 1903, when the black residents of the Strangers Location and at Coopers Kloof (Albany Road) were moved from Port Elizabeth.
The name of the Red Location comes from the corrugated iron barracks, brought down from a defunct concentration camp at Uitenhage and the Imperial Yeomanry Hospital at de Aar; that had been used in the South African War of 1899 - 1902. In time, these sheds eventually rusted and turned deep red - hence the name Red Location.
Today the area is an eclectic mix of old and new, boasting the award winning Red Location Museum, which is surrounded by the original houses, new modern homes and a selection of wood and iron shacks.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
January Theme, best photo of the year.
However, I have another favourite, not taken in PE, but near Caledon on the way back from Capetown at Easter. Since some of you have already seen the one above while voting, I am also including this previously unseen one.
It was a misty morning and we left before sunrise. This is one of my favourites because it seems to say so much more than just "misty sunrise on the open road... it speaks of the joy of the journey, the open road spooling out ahead, the mystery of the landscape shrouded in mist, what does the journey hold for us? And the promise of a new dawn...... which seems very apt as we head into the misty sunrise of a New Year. What will it hold for us? Here's wishing you a great 2008!
Of course all this presupposes that we are talking about our photos. There are so many brilliant shots that we have seen in blogland this year, and it would be impossible to select just one, but we'd also like to give you a link to one which was particularly striking. Mike from quick snap 365 took it. It is the bottom one of the two tower photos, taken last Autumn.
113 City Daily Photo Blogs from around the world are participating in this theme, why not give yourself a treat and visit the links to experience some brilliant photography?!!
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