Friday, February 11, 2011

Buying roosterkoek

I got to go on a quick trip to the Red Location precinct in New Brighton the other day to see where they are building the new Red Location Backpacker Lodge next to the Red Location Museum.  Some of the ladies who will be involved in the project are being put up temporarily in a container next to the site.  One of the activities that they will be doing is making traditional food for visitors and already they are selling roosterkoek (traditional bread rolls normally made over the coals) to the public from the site. Njam!!!


  1. Sounds like a yummy treat! Were you traveling with a fellow photographer?

  2. I just create a photo meme of portrait in

    So, I invite you to join and support Weekend Portrait.
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    Happy weekend!
    Happy photoblogging!

  3. Looks very yummy and local and lekker.
